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Narrative Description Of Your Activities Example Form: What You Should Know

Today, we specialize in helping clients achieve their tax goals, including reducing or eliminating the tax burden or the potential tax burden on estate planning. A great place to learn more is whitfieldandassociates.com. A. INTRODUCTION. We need to understand, I believe that there is a significant amount of confusion with the term “church”. Let's try to clarify exactly what we're talking about here. Are we talking about a parish, ward or congregation? What is the religious affiliation of the membership? If we're talking about a congregation, then of course yes we are talking about a church. There's a reference to a “church community” on the IRS forms. We do a church community every tax return year, and we've noticed that some churches are more like “parish communities” than the average congregation. I know that there are churches with congregational structure that are not considered “parish communities”. Can you shed some light on this? I am going to go to Wikipedia.com, but it looks like we'll just have to deal with it. There's a link to a search engine at the top of the page, the first entry that we can see is this entry “In the United States, the term “church” means a group of baptized Christians of a definite religion, typically organized into a community with a common worship and administration.” What do you think that means exactly? That's right. You know what a church is. Now that we've defined it, we can go and Google it. We will learn in a moment that this entry may be somewhat outdated. You can still use Google search to find more information. What I don't understand though is what is the relationship between a congregation and a corporation? How many congregations might one get that are incorporated under the laws of this country? We're talking about something that is being organized for the purpose of worship. What organization does this worship and administration take place (the congregation)? How likely is it that this structure could incorporate under the laws of this country?  What I want to clarify is that this organization may not want to register as a religion.

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